Despite the attempts of crawling infants to set the (loo-roll based) nativity scene alight, the Carol service enjoyed a record attendance (some 75 people) to give Bonnie Evans-Hills a real welcome to Ayot St Lawrence. The church looked great, thanks to Sally, Deborah and Lindsay, and this year's manger scene, all made using recycled items, looked great, thanks to Emma, Kelly, Kate, Amanda and Helen plus assorted offspring. We all enjoyed the Kimpton handbell ringers at the start of the service, some obviously well-rehearsed readings from our younger residents (and Sally, not quite in that age group!) and an entertaining story from Joe, replete with party poppers and sweets being thrown around. Thanks to the same Joe for sweeping it all up at the end..... All of this topped by copious mulled wine and never-ending mince pies, the latter thanks to the Ayot Manor Clay Shoot earlier in the day. And as there is mulled wine left over (and mince pies) we'll welcome the congregation to our Late Service on 24th December (starting at 11.30pm) with the same. Hope to see you there! Why not call in to the Brocket Arms first where you'll be sure to find a lively welcome?
March 2016
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